Mauritania Denies any Contact with Israel: Absolute Support for the Palestinian Cause

  • News
  • September 02, 2021
Mauritania Denies any Contact with Israel: Absolute Support for the Palestinian Cause

Al-Mukhtar Walid Dahi, Minister of Culture and official spokesman for the Mauritanian government, said:
There are two issues with Mauritanian diplomacy in this regard; One is absolute support for the rights and interests of the Palestinian people and the other is opposition to any confidential contacts.

According to Al-Quds Al-Arabi newspaper, the Mauritanian minister added at a news conference in Nouakchott:
I categorically deny any contact between Mauritania and Israel in this regard.

On Wednesday (yesterday), the Zionist regime's media claimed that the regime had established contacts with some Arab and Islamic countries, including Mauritania, in order to establish diplomatic relations.

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