LP4Q Expresses Condolences for the Tragic Earthquake Victims in Morocco

LP4Q Expresses Condolences for the Tragic Earthquake Victims in Morocco

Press Release

LP4Q Expresses Condolences for the Tragic Earthquake Victims in Morocco

The League of Parliamentarians for Al-Quds expresses its condolences and deep sorrow for the victims, injured individuals, and damages caused by the earthquake that struck the Kingdom of Morocco, and stands in full solidarity with the Kingdom.

The League extends its sincere condolences to Morocco, its government, people, and parliament, as well as to the victims' families in this painful incident. It prays to the Almighty to embrace the victims with His vast mercy and forgiveness, to grant patience and solace to their families, to hasten the recovery of the injured, and to protect the nations and their people from all harm.

The League of Parliamentarians for Al-Quds

Saturday, September 9, 2023

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