LP4Q condemns the occupation's prevention of the Spanish MP in the European Parliament, Ana Miranda, from entering the Palestinian territories

LP4Q condemns the occupation's prevention of the Spanish MP in the European Parliament, Ana Miranda, from entering the Palestinian territories

Press release

LP4Q condemns the occupation's prevention of the Spanish representative in the European Parliament, Ana Miranda, from entering the Palestinian territories


The League of Parliamentarians for Al-Quds condemns the Israeli occupation’s prevention of the Spanish representative in the European Parliament, Ana Miranda, from entering the Palestinian Territories as part of the European Parliament delegation, despite obtaining prior approval and deporting her to Madrid.

The League affirms that the move is a new Israeli encroachment on freedoms, a flagrant violation of international law and principles of human rights, a flagrant violation of the most basic international norms and covenants, and an attempt by the occupation to monopolize the narrative before the international community and limit the role of parliamentarians in confronting its crimes, and arrogance that reveals the true face of the occupation, which has always cherished its fake democracy.

The League calls on European and international parliaments, human rights organizations, and international and legal organizations, to intensify their activities and move on the ground to follow up on the human, political, and economic conditions of the Palestinian people, and to monitor the occupation’s violations against them.


February 22, 2023

The League of Parliamentarians for Al-Quds

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