Canadian Parliament Approves Proposal Calling on the Government to Support the Establishment of a Palestinian State

  • News
  • March 21, 2024
Canadian Parliament Approves Proposal Calling on the Government to Support the Establishment of a Palestinian State

The Canadian Parliament approved on Tuesday a non-binding proposal calling on the government to take steps towards "the establishment of a Palestinian state as part of a two-state solution."

After being presented for discussion, the proposal put forward by the opposition New Democratic Party received approval with a majority of 204 votes in favor versus 117.

The draft proposal included calls for action against the Israeli occupation, such as "recognizing its commission of genocide in Gaza and halting the sale of weapons." Following its discussion in Parliament, the proposal was amended to become a "call for the establishment of a Palestinian state."

Last week, Canada announced the cessation of non-lethal arms exports to Israel, starting from January, due to the rapidly evolving situation on the ground.

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