President of the League: The War on Gaza Revealed Unprecedented Arab and Islamic Failure

  • News
  • January 15, 2024
President of the League: The War on Gaza Revealed Unprecedented Arab and Islamic Failure

Hamid bin Abdullah Al-Ahmar, the president of the League of Parliamentarians for Al-Quds , stated that the Battle of the Flood of Al-Aqsa and the war on the Gaza Strip exposed the true face of the Israeli occupation and its supporters, particularly the United States, which provides full cover for the Zionist massacres in the Strip.

During his speech at the Freedom for Palestine Conference held in Istanbul, Al-Ahmar emphasized that the battle revealed an unprecedented failure on the part of most Arab and Islamic regimes. He stated, "Everyone is required to take action rather than mere words and provide all forms of support to the Palestinian popular base and ensure the conditions for a decent life for the Palestinian people."

He affirmed that the Zionist state is a functional entity of Western colonialism and poses a threat to the Arab and Islamic nation, as well as to the free people of the world who reject occupation, injustice, and crime.

The head of the League called for the launch of an international campaign to criminalize Zionism as a racist terrorist movement, and to support the right of the Palestinian people to resistance and provide all forms of support for it, as well as to adopt their chosen path. He also called for efforts to break the seventeen-year-long siege imposed on the Gaza Strip.

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