LP4Q warns of the dangerous situation that awaits the Al-Aqsa mosque

On the 54th anniversary of the burning of the Al-Aqsa Mosque

LP4Q warns of the dangerous situation that awaits the Al-Aqsa mosque

Press Release

On the 54th anniversary of the burning of the Al-Aqsa Mosque... LP4Q warns of the dangerous situation that awaits the Al-Aqsa mosque

On the fateful 54th anniversary of the burning of the blessed Al-Aqsa Mosque, the league of parliamentarians for Al-Quds warns of the dangerous situation that awaits Al-Aqsa and the occupied city of Jerusalem in the absence of protection of it and the increasing violations and dangerous Judaizing schemes targeting it by the Israeli occupation and settler groups, which enjoy the supervision and full support of the extremist occupation government. 
The league confirms that the normalization agreements with the occupation and the erosion of the Jordanian role as a result of the Israeli fait accompli policy have made Al-Aqsa more exposed than ever, and contributed to the unprecedented rise of intrusion campaigns and attempts to impose full biblical prayer and slaughter offerings inside it, in addition to attempts to morally establish the "temple" and prepare for the purification ritual with the "Red Cow". 
Unlike what happened during the burning of the mosque 54 years ago, where the occupation government claimed at the time that the settler responsible for the incident was mentally ill and tried to disown the act, attempts to target Al-Aqsa currently enjoy full Israeli government cover and support, as ministers in the extremist occupation government oversee the attack plans, as Israeli minister of national security Itamar Ben-Gvir supervised tours of the mosque. 
On this fateful anniversary, the league calls on the international community to stop vocal condemnations and to pressure through strong and concrete measures that equal the gravity of the situation and force the occupation to retreat from its aggression on Al-Aqsa and Jerusalem. 
The league of Parliamentarians for Al-Quds
August 21, 2023

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