LP4Q condemns in the strongest terms the treacherous aggression of the Israeli occupation on the Gaza Strip

LP4Q condemns in the strongest terms the treacherous aggression of the Israeli occupation on the Gaza Strip

The League of Parliamentarians for Al-Quds condemns in the strongest terms the treacherous aggression of the Israeli occupation on the Gaza Strip and its massacre of children and civilians safe in their homes.

The league stresses that this barbaric aggression reflects the nature of the occupation and represents its insistence on flouting international resolutions and laws in the absence of international accountability for its repeated crimes and permanent impunity.

The league also deplores the international silence towards this massacre, which serves as a green light for the occupation to continue committing massacres against the Palestinian people and violating international law.

The league calls on the parliaments and the international community to take immediate and urgent action to stop this aggression, hold the Israeli occupation responsible for its brutal attacks, stop its widespread violations of the rights of the Palestinian people, and bring the perpetrators to international trial.

The League of Parliamentarians for Al-Quds.

Wednesday, May 10, 2023

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