LP4Q condemns the massacre of the occupation in Nablus and calls for holding the occupation accountable for its crimes

LP4Q condemns the massacre of the occupation in Nablus and calls for holding the occupation accountable for its crimes

Press release

LP4Q condemns the massacre of the occupation in Nablus and calls for holding the occupation accountable for its crimes

The League of Parliamentarians for Al-Quds strongly condemns the heinous crimes committed by the Israeli occupying forces in the occupied West Bank city of Nablus.

These crimes confirm that the Israeli occupation speaks only the language of violence and destruction and deepens the humanitarian problem through its actions and attacks against the Palestinian people, violating international law and creating an environment of tension and escalation of aggression eliminating peaceful solutions and continuing with their settlement plans, the league stressed. 

The League calls on the international community to take urgent action to stop Israeli attacks, hold Israel accountable for its crimes in the Occupied Palestinian Territory, and for its brutal attacks and widespread violations of the rights of the Palestinian people.

The League of Parliamentarians for Al-Quds

23 February 2023

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