The League condemns the massacre of the occupation in Jenin and calls for breaking the silence towards the continuous Israeli crimes

The League condemns the massacre of the occupation in Jenin and calls for breaking the silence towards the continuous Israeli crimes

The League of Parliamentarians for Al-Quds condemns, in the strongest terms, the heinous crime committed by the Israeli occupation forces in the Jenin camp in the occupied West Bank.

The League deplores the state of silence towards the occupier's disregard for international resolutions and laws, which means indirectly encouraging it to move forward with attacks and crimes against the Palestinian people, their homeland and their sanctities.

The League calls on the parliaments of the world and the international community to take immediate action to stop this aggression against the Palestinian people, to hold the Israeli occupation responsible for its brutal attacks, to stop its widespread violations of the rights of the Palestinian people, and to prevent their recurrence in the future.

It stresses the need to work to hold the occupation accountable in international forums; since it is inconceivable that these practices continue without deterrence or punishment.

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