LP4Q condemns in the strongest terms the brutal Israeli aggression against the Gaza Strip

LP4Q condemns in the strongest terms the brutal Israeli aggression against the Gaza Strip

Press release

LP4Q condemns in the strongest terms the brutal Israeli aggression against the Gaza Strip.

The League of Parliamentarians for Al-Quds announces its firm condemnation and denunciation of the brutal Israeli aggression against the Gaza Strip.

 The league says this barbaric aggression reflects the nature of the occupation and represents its insistence on underestimating international resolutions and laws in the absence of international accountability for its repeated crimes against the Palestinian people and its continued impunity.

 The League calls on parliaments and the international community to take immediate action to end this aggression against the Gaza Strip and to hold the Israeli occupation accountable for its brutal attacks in order to ensure that it no longer disrupts the  international stability and peace and to put an end to its massive violations of the rights of the civilian population, and to prevent their recurrence in the future.

 The League of Parliamentarians for Al-Quds

  August 07, 2022

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