An international official calls for an urgent solution to the issue of striking prisoners

An international official calls for an urgent solution to the issue of striking prisoners

   The United Nations Special Coordinator for the Middle East Peace Process, Nikolai Mladenov, said he was following with great concern the hunger strike by Palestinian detainees to protest their conditions in Israeli prisons, which entered its second month.
   The international official added in a press statement: “It is necessary to reach a solution as soon as possible in line with international humanitarian law and obligations of” Israel “in the field of human rights.
   He added: “With the increasing tensions in the Palestinian street, I hope that the current efforts will lead to an immediate solution to this issue, which is in the interest of peace and ongoing initiatives to revive the political process.”
  “I call on all actors to exercise maximum restraint, show responsibility and take all necessary steps to avoid further tensions,” concluded Nikolai Mladenov.

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Committee to commemorate the Nakba delivered a memorandum to the United Nations

   The Supreme National Committee for the Commemoration of the Nakba 69, headed by Zakaria Al-Agha, handed over a memorandum to the Director of the United Nations Office in Gaza, Girinot Sauer, to emphasize the need to implement the resolutions of international legitimacy regarding the return of refugees.    A member of the Executive Committee of the Palestine Liberation Organization and... Read more