MP Fadli Zon: The World Encourages Israel to Commit Massacres in Gaza

  • News
  • October 25, 2023
MP Fadli Zon: The World Encourages Israel to Commit Massacres in Gaza

MP Fadli Zon, Vice President of LP4Q and Chairman of the International Parliamentary Cooperation Committee in the Indonesian Parliament, called for an end to the Israeli occupation's genocidal war and collective punishment policy against the Gaza Strip.

During his speech at the International Parliamentary Union meeting, Zon demanded a complete ceasefire and the lifting of the blockade on Gaza. He urged the international community to approach the situation objectively and work towards finding a long-term solution for the Palestinians, as well as reforming the international systems to enhance the effectiveness of international law enforcement.

Zon emphasized that Israel is committing war crimes indiscriminately and openly, killing civilians, including children, infants, and women. Israeli forces are also attacking journalists, patients in hospitals, UN staff, medical personnel, and even displaced convoys. He affirmed that the current crisis is a continuation of human rights violations and crimes committed by Israeli authorities, including land annexation, desecration of Al-Aqsa Mosque, ethnic cleansing, and torture of Palestinian prisoners, as well as the ongoing siege imposed on Gaza since 2006.

Zon added that the world practices double standards and encourages the occupation to defy the law and commit massacres against Palestinians. The United Nations Security Council is not effectively addressing the conflict, and its efforts are insufficient to reduce tensions. He pointed out that the current international systems have failed to enforce international law, achieve global justice, and protect the lives of the Palestinian people.

Zon mentioned that the Indonesian House of Representatives, in collaboration with Algeria and Kuwait on behalf of the Arab Group, and South Africa on behalf of the African Group, along with Iran, have decided to submit a resolution entitled "Ceasefire and Human Rights Violations in Gaza" as an emergency item to the 147th Assembly of the International Parliamentary Union. The resolution aims to halt the genocidal war, lift the siege on Gaza, and protect the Palestinian people.

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