The Arab Parliament adopts the internationalization of the issue of Palestinian prisoners

  • News
  • February 25, 2022
The Arab Parliament adopts the internationalization of the issue of Palestinian prisoners

The Arab Parliament adopted, on Wednesday, the internationalization of the issue of Palestinian prisoners, as they are prisoners of freedom and independence, making an urgent appeal to the international community to convene an international conference to discuss the issue of Palestinian prisoners and their rights.

At the conclusion of the work of the third session of the third legislative term of the Arab Parliament, the parliament called on the United Nations, the Red Cross and human rights and human rights organizations to form a fact-finding committee to visit Israeli prisons, and to find out the violations against Palestinian prisoners and detainees, including female prisoners who face torture in Ramon prison and the rest of the prisons.

It also expressed its appreciation for the report announced by Amnesty International, which confirmed that what Israel is doing against the Palestinians is a war crime against humanity and it should be held accountable for the crime of apartheid.

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