The Occupation begin to Market 99 Settlement Units in Golan Heights

  • News
  • October 11, 2021
The Occupation begin to Market 99 Settlement Units in Golan Heights

Today, Monday, the occupation authorities started marketing 99 settlement units in the "Trump settlement" in the occupied Syrian Golan, two years after announcing the settlement, which is currently home to 20 Jewish families, in mobile homes.

In a press release, the so-called Minister of Construction and Housing of the occupying Power, Ze'ev Elkin, announced the strengthening of settlement construction in the Golan Heights and the start of marketing of 99 housing units during the current year.

According to Yisrael Hume, 20 Jewish families live in mobile homes in the settlement announced in June 2019 by the Government of Benjamin Netanyahu, following the recognition by former United States President Donald Trump of Israeli sovereignty over the occupied Golan; What prompted Netanyahu's government to establish a settlement in his name.

According to the newspaper, at this stage the Israeli Ministry of Construction and Housing is working on a government decision whereby the population of the Golan will be doubled by 2026, and an additional 7,000 settlement units will be marketed in other areas of the Golan.

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