Egypt and Israel soften restrictions on Gaza crossing

  • News
  • September 01, 2021
Egypt and Israel soften restrictions on Gaza crossing

Egypt partially re-opened the Rafah crossing with the Israeli-occupied Gaza Strip, allowing one-way traffic into the Palestinian enclave, as Israel eased import restrictions for the territory it has blockaded since 2007.  

In a statement, the Israeli army said the easing of restrictions is conditional on security and stability.

Rafah, Gaza's only gateway to the outside world not controlled by Israel, was shuttered on Monday by Egypt, which gave no reason for the move. 

But it came after Gazans on Saturday staged protests along the border with Israel, demanding that Israel lift its crushing blockade. Israeli gunshots killed one Palestinian and left twenty others wounded. An Israeli soldier is in critical condition from a gunshot wound, too. 

Late Wednesday, Hamas, which rules Gaza since 2007, announced that Rafah would open to incoming traffic on Thursday and to two-way traffic on Sunday. 

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