13 Gazan schools severely damaged in Israeli escalation

13 Gazan schools severely damaged in Israeli escalation

Thirteen Palestinian schools in the besieged Gaza Strip were severely damaged in the Israeli escalation across the Strip, which claimed the lives of 27 Palestinians and injured at least 154 others, on Tuesday.
The Palestinian Ministry of Education in Gaza said in a statement that the windows and doors of 13 schools were completely damaged, as well as the walls cracked.
The ministry also said that the shrapnel of the Israeli missiles and debris of the targeted buildings directly hit the classrooms.
The ministry expressed its “strong condemnation” regarding the Israeli escalation on Gaza, which damaged basic infrastructure in all fields, and stressed that this is a violation of the international laws and conventions.
The ministry called for the international community to halt Israeli practices and hold Israel accountable for its violations.

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OIC to hold a meeting to discuss the issue of prisoners

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