37 Palestinians injured in Gaza Return March

  • News
  • April 21, 2019
37 Palestinians injured in Gaza Return March

A number of Palestinians were injured on Friday when the Israeli occupation forces opened fire at the peaceful protesters taking part in the Great March of Return on Gaza border.
Gaza’s Ministry of Health said that 37 Palestinians, including five medics and four journalists, were injured by Israeli gunfire, while dozens others choked on tear gas.
The PIC reporter said that hundreds of Palestinians marched along the eastern border of the Gaza Strip on the 55th Friday of the Great March of Return to voice support for the Palestinian prisoners in Israeli jails.
The Gaza Strip Palestinians on 30 March 2018 launched the Great March of Return along the border between the coastal enclave and the 1948 occupied Palestinian territories to demand the return of Palestinian refugees and pressure Israel to lift the decade-long blockade imposed on them.
Since the start of the border demonstrations, the Israeli occupation army has killed 284 Palestinian civilians, and injured over 31,000 others, 500 of whom are in critical condition.
Source: The Palestinian Information Center

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