The delegation of "Parliamentarians for Al-Quds" meets in Malaysia with the Deputy Speaker of the Malaysian Parliament to discuss the developments of the Palestinian scene

  • News
  • April 04, 2019
The delegation of "Parliamentarians for Al-Quds" meets in Malaysia with the Deputy Speaker of the Malaysian Parliament to discuss the developments of the Palestinian scene

In a series of visits by the delegation of the executive body of the League of “Parliamentarians for Al-Quds” under the chairmanship of the President Hamid bin Abdullah Al-Ahmar, the delegation met with the Deputy Speaker of the Parliament, Rachid Hassouni, where they reviewed the developments of the Palestinian scene and the need to coordinate and activate efforts and investment at the level of international and regional parliamentary institutions, which contributes to the issuance of resolutions in favor of the Palestinian cause and face all attempts to liquidate it.
At the end of the meeting, the Deputy Speaker signed “the Charter of Al-Quds”, which rejects the Trump decision to consider Jerusalem as the capital of the occupied entity.


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