“We can no longer cure them. The patients' wounds began to fester." The words of the director of the Al-Shifa hospital in Gaza are stones thrown at the clenched teeth of Israel, Europe and the United States. They are the finger pointed at the hypocritical consciences of all
In the face of the inhuman Israeli aggression in Gaza, European public opinion is defying expectations by demonstrating a significant surge in solidarity with the Palestinians and a widespread condemnation of war crimes. This groundswell of support reveals that despite decades of powerful and
A report by the Hebrew Channel 12 a few days ago highlighted the repercussions of the rise of religious Zionism in Israel, its efforts to turn it into an extremist Jewish religious state, and the increasing pace of preparations for the construction of the alleged temple by the current
Fuelling Palestinian communal violence in Israel is a policy for displacement Dr. Mohammad Makram Balawi Director General of LP4Q The Palestinian community within what is known today as the state of Israel was devastated on 8 June by a heinous crime in Nazareth that claimed the
The IHRA Definition of Anti-Semitism and its Implications: A Complex Debate. Michele Piras, former Italian MP and President of the European League of Parliamentarians for Palestine. The IHRA definition of anti-Semitism, in use since January 2005, has sparked intense
FIFA APPLIES DOUBLE STANDARDS ON ISRAEL Fadli Zon The International Football Federation (FIFA) on Wednesday, 29 March 2023, officially announced the cancellation of Indonesia as the host for the 2023 U20 World Cup. In its written statement, FIFA stated that this cancellation was due
Some considerations, before leaving to Bruxelles, the political and institutional heart of Europe. Hon. Michele Piras President of the League of Europe For everything who stands on the side of human rights, people’s self-determination, justice and truth, it is
Benjamin Netanyahu has always been an open book. Although the Israeli prime minister is skilled at twisting facts and rewriting history when necessary, he has been very clear on his relations with the Palestinians since day one. The US cannot claim that it was taken by surprise with its strategy
K. C. Tyagi Former Member of the Indian Parliament With Benjamin Netanyahu back as the Prime Minister of Israel, the tensity in Israel-Palestine relations is imminent and war a distinct possibility Elections have been held in Israel five times in the last three years. Governments
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