LP4Q Executive Committee Calls on Parliaments and International Institutions to Support the Rights of the Palestinian People

During its Extraordinary Meeting to Discuss the Last Events of Gaza

LP4Q Executive Committee Calls on Parliaments and International Institutions to Support the Rights of the Palestinian People

During its virtual meeting on Sunday, October 8, 2023, the Executive Committee of the League of Parliamentarians for Al-Quds discussed the repercussions of the Palestinian explosion in the Gaza Strip and the ongoing Israeli occupation attacks on the Palestinian people.

The Committee emphasized that the Palestinian explosion is a natural reaction to the continued aggression of the Israeli occupation against Al-Aqsa Mosque, the confiscation of Palestinian lands, provocation of Palestinian sentiments, escalation of the Judaization of the occupied city of Jerusalem, and the continued strict siege imposed on the Gaza Strip since 2006, which has resulted in catastrophic tragedies in the region.

The Committee called on Arab, Islamic, and international parliaments to clarify the reality of events and confront the Israeli campaign of deception and lies. They urged joint action to protect the Palestinian people from the crimes of the occupation and force it to comply with international law and decisions.

The Committee stressed that international politics, the international justice system, and the complicity of major powers have allowed the aggression of the occupation to continue and have prevented any opportunity for justice for the Palestinian people. This has led to the shedding of Palestinian blood and the explosion. They called for seizing this opportunity to support the Palestinian people, enable them to obtain their legitimate rights, and work to prevent the situation from escalating into a more bloody confrontation with unpredictable consequences.

The meeting was attended by the League's President, Sheikh Hamid bin Abdullah Al-Ahmar, the Vice President of the League and the Chairman of the International Parliamentary Cooperation Committee in the Indonesian Parliament, Dr. Fadli Zon, the Deputy President of the League and Member of the Turkish Parliament, Dr. Nureddin Nebati, Chairman of the Palestine Committee in the Malaysian Parliament, Dr. Syed Ibrahim, Member of the Kuwaiti Parliament, Osama Al-Shaheen, Chairman of the Defense and Foreign Relations Committee in the Pakistani Senate, Senator Mushahid Hussain, Assistant President in Africa, former Algerian MP Al-Bashir Jarallah, former Moroccan MP, Abdel-ilah El-Hallouti, former Italian MP, Michele Piras, former Jordanian MP, Dima Tahboub, advisor to the Committee, Bashar Shalabi, the General Director of the League, Dr. Mohammad Makram Balawi, and the Head of the Public Relations Department in the League, Abdullah Al-Beltaji.

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