The president of the league calls on the Arab countries to emulate the Algerian position in support of the Palestinian cause

The president of the league calls on the Arab countries to emulate the Algerian position in support of the Palestinian cause

The president of the League of Parliamentarians for Al-Quds, Hamid bin Abdullah al-Ahmar, said on Monday that the Algerian Republic is one of the few Arab regimes that still strongly supports the Palestinian cause.

The president of the League, on the sidelines of his participation in the second conference of "El-Binaa Al-Watani" movement, explained that this position stems from the great belief of the Algerian government, parliament and people that the Palestinian issue is their first issue, pointing out that there is a significant decline in Arab positions against Israeli aggressions.

He stressed the need for Algeria's advanced position to be the position of all Arab countries, calling on those countries to talk strongly with the Western parties and the United States, which support the plans and aggressions of the Israeli occupation against the Palestinian people and the Islamic and Christian holy sites in the occupied city of Jerusalem.

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