The president of the league and the representative of Algeria to the Inter-Parliamentary Union discuss coordinating efforts to support Palestine

The president of the league and the representative of Algeria to the Inter-Parliamentary Union discuss coordinating efforts to support Palestine

The president of the League of Parliamentarians for Al-Quds, Hamid bin Abdullah al-Ahmar, met on Sunday with a member of the executive committee of the Inter-Parliamentary Union and the representative of the Republic of Algeria to the Union, Ahmed kharchi, on the sidelines of his participation in the second conference of El-Binaa Al-Watani movement.

Al-Ahmar discussed with MP kharchi the Coordination of efforts between parliamentarians for Al-Quds and Algeria to support the Palestinian cause in the Inter-Parliamentary Union and support the membership file of the League in the Union, in addition to Algeria hosting the league's annual conference.

The president of LP4Q arrived on Friday in the people's Democratic Republic of Algeria to participate in the work of the second conference of the El-Binaa movement, at the official invitation of the party.


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