The league participates in the work of the General Assembly of the Inter-Parliamentary Union in Bahrain

The league participates in the work of the General Assembly of the Inter-Parliamentary Union in Bahrain

A delegation from the League of Parliamentarians for Al-Quds took part in the work of the 146th General Assembly of the Inter-Parliamentary Union in the Kingdom of Bahrain.

The delegation, led by the league's president, Sheikh Hamid Al-Ahmar, the league's vice-president and chairman of the Commission for International Parliamentary Cooperation in the Indonesian Parliament, MP Dr. Fazli Zon, and the chairman of the commission of Defense and External Relations of the Pakistani Senate, Senator Mushahid Hussain.

More than 1,700 participants, representing 143 countries around the world, took part in the work of the assembly under the title “Promoting peaceful coexistence and inclusive societies: combating intolerance”.

The Inter-Parliamentary Union is the first permanent political forum for multinational political organizations, and works for the coordination and exchange of experiences between the parliaments of peoples and countries, and to contribute to the defense of human rights at the World level.

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